Welcome to the Southeastern Women's Lacrosse League page!
SWLL's mission is to expand the opportunities for women to play lacrosse in the Southeast while advance the game through the development of quality student-athletes, umpires, and coaches. SWLL strives to provide a developmental venue for the creation of varsity programs and scholarship opportunities for women in the Southeast. While focusing on the development of the sport, SWLL is committed to providing a high-level competitive experience for current clubs and leadership opportunities for athletes in women's lacrosse.
Mark your calendars!
The mandatory SWLL Annual Meeting will be 10/2 at Kennesaw State! Each team must have a representative present to be eligible to play.
The Southeastern Women's Lacrosse League (SWLL) was created in January 1999 as a non-profit organization in Georgia with the goal of encouraging growth and competition for women's lacrosse in the Southeast United States.
The SWLL began as the vision of Rena Whitehouse, who wanted to create an organizing body for women's lacrosse to facilitate communication between clubs.
The league's structure and bylaws were created in the fall of 1998 by Rena Whitehouse and Eric Rudolph. Several teams showed interest thus creating SWLL. Founding Members of the league were the Atlanta Women's Lacrosse Club, Auburn, Clemson, Emory, Georgia, Georgia Tech, and South Carolina.
SWLL also had an immediate emphasis on development of umpires for the sport. The league requires each team to have a team representative be a certified US Lacrosse Official, and places high standards to the talented officials assigned to all SWLL games.
SWLL offers countless leadership opportunities to athletes who otherwise might not be involved with lacrosse after high school. The members of SWLL are excited about the growth of lacrosse in this region, and the growing recognition for their contribution to "the fastest game on two feet."
Team | Representative | Position | Phone Number | |
SWLL Board | Adam Weinstein | President | adam.drew12@gmail.com | 678-358-3660 |
Brittney Hughes | Vice President | brithues@gmail.com | 404-787-7080 | |
Jen Crews Davis | Treasurer | jencrewsdavis@gmail.com | 706-346-4368 | |
Veronica Hewgley | Assignor | vhewgley@gmail.com | 770 241-4310 | |
Alabama | Morgan Hunter | President | mehunter4@crimson.ua.edu | 443-243-9029 |
Jacquie Anderano | Vice President | jpandreano@crimson.ua.edu | 616-560-1504 | |
Auburn | Katie Parker | President | kmp0042@auburn.edu | 907-854-5181 |
Team Email | Generic | wlax.club@auburn.edu | ||
Central Florida | Janessa Figueroa | President | ucflacrosse@hotmail.com | 239-877-0163 |
Nicole Gribben | Vice President | ngribben@knights.ucf.edu | ||
Clemson | Rachel Waldron | President | rwaldor@g.clemson.edu | 703-965-6209 |
Team Email | Generic | clemsonwlax@gmail.com | ||
Emory | Lisa Dourmashkin | President | lisa.dourmashkin@emory.edu | 516-640-8868 |
Team Email | Generic | womens.lacrosse@emory.edu | ||
Florida | Christina Barnes | Coach | cdbarnes@ufl.edu | 561-601-8769 |
Danielle Kleinberg | President | d.kleinberg855@ufl.edu | 407-242-9062 | |
Florida Atlantic | Randy Davis | Coach | rdlax@comcast.net | 561-379-8919 |
Team Email | Generic | FAUWomensLacrosse@gmail.com | ||
Florida Gulf Coast | Maylis Broderick | President | maylis62@gmail.com | 954-907-1531 |
Team Email | Generic | fgcuwomenslacrosse@yahoo.com | ||
Florida State | Haley McCurdy | President | hvm13@my.fsu.edu | 941-961-8660 |
Kaitlin Gallagher | Vice President | kegc@my.fsu.edu | 772-321-0655 | |
Georgia | Arden Birdwell | President | abirdie@uga.edu | 404-906-2862 |
Team Email | Generic | uga.womens.lacrosse@gmail.com | ||
Georgia State | Hannah Basta | President | hbasta1@student.gsu.edu | 706-910-9678 |
Kennedy Hairston | President | khairston1@student.gsu.edu | ||
Georgia Tech | Team Email | Generic | gtwomenslacrosse@gmail.com | 508-395-8055 |
Kennesaw State | Molly Hardie | President | mjhardie@me.com | 770-361-7684 |
Brittney Hughes | Coach | brithues@gmail.com | 404-787-7080 | |
Team Email | Generic | ksuwomenslax@gmail.com | ||
Miami | Team Email | Generic | umwomenslax@gmail.com | 860-389-4035 |
Ole Miss | Kate Cowne | President | kecowne@go.olemiss.edu | 703-297-7976 |
Riley Hicks | Vice President | rehicks@go.olemiss.edu | 860-830-2250 | |
South Carolina | Team Email | Generic | uscladylax@gmail.com | 240-215-7898 |
South Florida | Michael Diaz | Coach | mdiaz.usflacrosse@gmail.com | 727-638-4085 |
Team Email | Generic | usflacrosse@gmail.com | ||
Southern Mississippi | Becca Hassell | President | rebecca.hassell@eagles.usm.edu | 208-867-2582 |
Emily Stahly | Vice President | emily.stahly@eagles.usm.edu | 651-785-7222 | |
Tennessee | Montana Wright | President | mwrigh54@vols.utk.edu | 931-239-9261 |
Claire Koellhoffer | Vice President | ckoellho@vols.utk.edu | 513-316-7780 |